Native of Augusta, Georgia Auburn University Basketball 1983-1987 16th Best Player in the Country in 1983 1984 All-Freshmen Team Degree in Education 1988 1987 NBA Dallas Mavericks Draft Pick Auburn’s All-Time Assist Leader Teammates-Charles Barkley (Hall of Fame NBA Basketball), Chuck Person, Chris Morris Coached @ UTC – Terrell Owens (Hall of Fame NFL Football) 18 years college coaching- Augusta State, Tenn-Chatt., Georgia State, Virginia Commonwealth 10 years of professional training 11 years of experience working for sports agencies 30+ years of basketball camp experience -owner, director, coach and counselor Inducted to Auburn “Tiger Trail of Auburn” Auburn’s SEC Legend 2014 Vice President of Auburn Basketball Alumni Association Director of Atlanta “City of Champions” All-Star Basketball Classic CSRA All-Star Basketball Classic NUMA Basketball Training Gerald White’s Father/Son Basketball Camp College Basketball Exposure Workout Tour
